Truth be told,I miss someone,really bad
I miss getting those late-night phone calls,and actually falling asleep while he was still talking
I miss getting ridiculed by him.
So bad,that I actually feel a pang whenever I think of him
Yknow,the feeling you get when someone just handed you a packet of Sour Skittles but snatched it back?No?Well,then,humour me
I don't care when people said he wasn't good-looking or that he was a bit too young for me.Who said I was looking for somone with goodlooks and an empty heart?And,age is just a number
Malas nak suka orang
Taking back everything I said
Boys are unpredictable and always associated with the word complicated
Dayana asked me if I had powers,what'd I do with said powers?
Abuse them of course,even better if I could read minds (preferrably,boys' minds)
So,when you come up to me one day and ask me Who's On Your Radar Now?
Please don't be shocked when I shoot you the killer stare and shrug my shoulders
Note to self :This is a cover-up,something I'll tell myself over and over again,until I get over the fact that he'll never like me (this is not about the boy mentioned above,this is someone else,keep up with my pace!)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A leaf Must Fall
How heartbreaking is it?To see the person you love across the table from you and lose him just a few hours after that?
As morbid as this may sound,it seems like every year,one student from TTDI passes away,tragically
True,I didn't know him personally but one's death can affect people in every way
Condolences to the family of Allahyarham Hafiz Abdul Aziz,who passed away in Cherating
Monday, January 26, 2009
Easy Come Easy Go
Is it just me or is the trend nowadays to hate people for no reason?
I expected something a little more mature,coming from a guy of eighteen years-old
You barely know me,you DO NOT know me at all come to think of it
I haven't said anything to you,never mouthed anything as well
So what the fuck were you thinking when you told my friend you don't like me for NO EFFING reason?
She knows me better,she's known me for 2 years for God's sake
Kau ingat dia tak bgtau aku aa?Babi puki lancau palat!
I've never said a single thing about you!Never ever mentioned your name to anyone pulak tu!
Bodoh sial,fikir sikit aa,dah lepas SPM kan,mesti boleh fikir
Dah aa womenizer tak jadi sial,malu gila babi
I'm not gonna say anything bad about you,why should I stoop down to your subzero level?
Before I go,RAFIEQA (nama dah aa macam perempuan,gila menyakitkan ego sial),if you're wondering,most people don't like you either
You're walking on utterly thin ice
I expected something a little more mature,coming from a guy of eighteen years-old
You barely know me,you DO NOT know me at all come to think of it
I haven't said anything to you,never mouthed anything as well
So what the fuck were you thinking when you told my friend you don't like me for NO EFFING reason?
She knows me better,she's known me for 2 years for God's sake
Kau ingat dia tak bgtau aku aa?Babi puki lancau palat!
I've never said a single thing about you!Never ever mentioned your name to anyone pulak tu!
Bodoh sial,fikir sikit aa,dah lepas SPM kan,mesti boleh fikir
Dah aa womenizer tak jadi sial,malu gila babi
I'm not gonna say anything bad about you,why should I stoop down to your subzero level?
Before I go,RAFIEQA (nama dah aa macam perempuan,gila menyakitkan ego sial),if you're wondering,most people don't like you either
You're walking on utterly thin ice
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Bon Anniversaire
January 25th,2400 hours
Happy Seventeenth Birthday,Ilya Qistina
I'm at a loss for words,which often happens when I try to talk about my bestfriends
Really,what do I say?To list out all the things we've done together,all the misunderstandings we had,all the conversations and pep-talks would be out of the question
As,I'd take up half my day and would probably ramble on and on and on (and on)
So here goes
Truth be told,the first few times I talked to you,I wasn't so fond of you
You made me feel intimidated (Stop laughing Ilya!I know you're laughing!)
And back then,your comments really got to me,made me blow my top off
Which resulted in many misunderstandings,and I thought I would never get along with you
Fast forward two years ahead,and I can't live without you teasing me,can't live without your pep-talks,can't live without you to drive me around hahaha
The thing I love most about you is how you tell me things I need to hear,rather than the things I want to hear
And our pep-talks,I still think we can add "MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER" onto our Fallback Career List
You were one of the few who made me feel better about myself when a certain someone was hooked on a girl so fast after breaking up with me
And ah,that pep-talk we had on Sarah's roof at 12am hahaha
Which brings me to the subject of fooling around (No,not THAT kind of fooling around)
Yeah,I'm as comfortable around you and the rest more than I am with my own family
When I see a picture of an animal,a tiger if you must,opening their mouths and tongues visible,I think of you
Because that's what you're fond of,screaming and opening your mouth with your tongue rolled out
You were also the person who made me like mushrooms again
And by the way,you're one of the most prettiest,most stylish friend of mine
I envy your hair,even felt like tearing them out once or twice hahaha
Dont ever,even for a second,doubt your beauty *cue aww-ing*
You see,I haven't written about most of the things we do together and things that remind me of you and all that
Trips to Secret Recipe almost every other weekday,rummaging through your kitchen cupboard,raiding your closet,inside jokes and signature expressions
Like I said,its too much for me to handle and trying to pick the best one from my memory is harder than I thought it would be
Kakak Qis,I wish you love and here's to many more birthdays
Keeping my fingers crossed that we'll be in wheelchairs,attempting to blow out 80 candles with the clan
With love,the person they never suspect (the short one)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Rocky Acap Bolboa
It's January 21st and you're already seventeen years-old
Which is a year away from being officially legal(tengah jealous and clearly stating the obvious)
Technically,I've been seeing your face since primary school
You were the boy who said "Awak tak boleh pinjam buku agama kita,nanti mama kita marah" in the First Grade
And you still sometimes say that nowadays,but under different circumstances
Truth be told,you're one to crawl onto people's skin but you've been a great friend
And a source of entertainment,if you want to look at it that way
There are days when I want to strangle you for being so authoritative in school
But if you hadn't thought me a bit of that Biology 10 minutes before the exam,I'd have been screwed like a turkey
You've been patient (most days) when I poke you with my pen and ask you to help me solve equations and all that
And your attempts to cheer me up when I thought my sixteenth would be a flop
And those songs we came up with in class last year,whazzitcalled?The Y Song hahaha
Growing up in a household overflowing with eostragen (with the exception of your dad),
It hasn't really surprised me that you're constantly the only male among a throng of girls
Remember when we were fourteen,and we made you cry in class?Hahahaha dear God
I can't quite recall the reason but it was downright hilarious (only after you calmed down,sebelum tu serious cuak)
In my opinion,you're famous for how you eat like an elephant but you always turn down people's offer at first!
Sha:Acap,nak sikit my food?
Sha:I know you want some
Acap:KK,pass me a spoon
Sooo,what I'm trying to say is (and seems pretty obvious now) you've been a great friend
It's been tough but I still love youuu more than scarves and berets
Here's to many more birthdays,loother
p/s you're not gonna get an un-surprised birthday party baybay ;p
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Gone Haywire

Bought myself a fringed purple bag from Forever 21,my latest obsession ; FRINGES
I've up and gone on a sugar-binge,stuffing my face with countless amounts of Cadbury chocolates,Maltesers,lollipops and even have a packet of Strawberry Capri-Sonne on standby after school
Main reason being that I realized my younger sister's arm's bigger than mine
Nevertheless,I could be considered an Energizer Bunny and at the rate I'm moving,its no surprise I'm getting motion sickness
Resulting in vertigo that make me panic for a minute or so
After ten years of being in school,I somehow expected myself to be a little more consistent when it comes to homework
Which,by the way,is being a pain in the ass what with my having English's Presentation [Didn't get Pn Mazliza this year,I want her baaaaaaaaack :'( ],ModMath,Bahasa Melayu,Biology,Agama and Chemistry homework
That doesn't include tuition just yet,and I think I wont mention them,it'll only add salt to my wounds ahahaha
Flung the doors of my closet open and much to my dismay,was greeted by a withering sight of clothes
Maybe I'll clean out my closet,maybe donate the clothes I hardly wear or even sell them
I wont be surprised to see the pile of unwanted clothes piling up like Mount Everest
Mum promised us girls that she'll take us shopping this weekend and I desperately want to invest in a black military jacket with gold buttons,like Balmain's,faded blue jeans and fringed Mary-Janes,an electric blue high-waisted skirt,basic tops and one or two blouses
However,when I go clothes-hunting,I'll end up with only one shopping bag with few contents in 'em
Don't be dissapointed (who am i kidding!?) as I honestly think Imma go on a hiatus until Friday
Main reason being that I realized my younger sister's arm's bigger than mine
Nevertheless,I could be considered an Energizer Bunny and at the rate I'm moving,its no surprise I'm getting motion sickness
Resulting in vertigo that make me panic for a minute or so
After ten years of being in school,I somehow expected myself to be a little more consistent when it comes to homework
Which,by the way,is being a pain in the ass what with my having English's Presentation [Didn't get Pn Mazliza this year,I want her baaaaaaaaack :'( ],ModMath,Bahasa Melayu,Biology,Agama and Chemistry homework
That doesn't include tuition just yet,and I think I wont mention them,it'll only add salt to my wounds ahahaha
Flung the doors of my closet open and much to my dismay,was greeted by a withering sight of clothes
Maybe I'll clean out my closet,maybe donate the clothes I hardly wear or even sell them
I wont be surprised to see the pile of unwanted clothes piling up like Mount Everest
Mum promised us girls that she'll take us shopping this weekend and I desperately want to invest in a black military jacket with gold buttons,like Balmain's,faded blue jeans and fringed Mary-Janes,an electric blue high-waisted skirt,basic tops and one or two blouses
However,when I go clothes-hunting,I'll end up with only one shopping bag with few contents in 'em
Don't be dissapointed (who am i kidding!?) as I honestly think Imma go on a hiatus until Friday
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Old Flame
'Twas a hectic day,hectic schedule,hectic duty,the works
English was amusing today,Pn Hazlin told us to work in groups,decide on ONE person in class and describe his/her personality
The catch was that everyone else had to guess who it was
Pretty childish for seventeen year-olds to be doing this kind of thing but we were just killing time
Was put into a group with Waa Acap and Mann and we decided to describe Ben
I think my drawing of those stick figure's was a work of art for my standards
Trust Byron to come up with outrageously ridiculous words for his group
The person they chose was described as "SOFT,DAINTY,SELF-CENTERED AT TIMES,AUTHORITATIVE"
Most people thought it was me but I'm not authoritative at all
So we were bombarding Byron with names of a few girls we knew and were all greeted with NOs
Much to our delight HAHA that person was none other than *drumrolls* Azzim Emir Imran!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha *laughter continues*
Managed to finish my Chemistry homework at the library around 4pm
Got a call from Qis and drove around Taman Tun to kill time,ducking every time we saw a guard/police or parents of friends we knew
Reminded Qis that she can't duck when we duck just for laughs,eyes on the road at all times!
My eyelids are betraying me,already so heavy right now
Hadi called,talked some and I asked him whether there were any hot guys on campus
He laughed and shrugged it off,said they all had their own flames
Which was followed by many "I TAKDA I TAKDA" in the background hahaha (tipu tak jadi lah hadi )
Not much to talk about as I've been preoccupied with school work,discussing prom and studying these past few days
Maybe I'll blog when Ilya's Seventeen (!) birthday rolls around
English was amusing today,Pn Hazlin told us to work in groups,decide on ONE person in class and describe his/her personality
The catch was that everyone else had to guess who it was
Pretty childish for seventeen year-olds to be doing this kind of thing but we were just killing time
Was put into a group with Waa Acap and Mann and we decided to describe Ben
I think my drawing of those stick figure's was a work of art for my standards
Trust Byron to come up with outrageously ridiculous words for his group
The person they chose was described as "SOFT,DAINTY,SELF-CENTERED AT TIMES,AUTHORITATIVE"
Most people thought it was me but I'm not authoritative at all
So we were bombarding Byron with names of a few girls we knew and were all greeted with NOs
Much to our delight HAHA that person was none other than *drumrolls* Azzim Emir Imran!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha *laughter continues*
Managed to finish my Chemistry homework at the library around 4pm
Got a call from Qis and drove around Taman Tun to kill time,ducking every time we saw a guard/police or parents of friends we knew
Reminded Qis that she can't duck when we duck just for laughs,eyes on the road at all times!
My eyelids are betraying me,already so heavy right now
Hadi called,talked some and I asked him whether there were any hot guys on campus
He laughed and shrugged it off,said they all had their own flames
Which was followed by many "I TAKDA I TAKDA" in the background hahaha (tipu tak jadi lah hadi )
Not much to talk about as I've been preoccupied with school work,discussing prom and studying these past few days
Maybe I'll blog when Ilya's Seventeen (!) birthday rolls around
Monday, January 12, 2009
Down Now
Way better than Britney's,in my opinion
You know how the floor in TTDI's Maybank is like,really really clean?I followed Ayah just now and when he was punching in the digits,I was suddenly mesmerized by the floor,boleh nampak reflection o_o
And I started shifting my feet and dancing a bit whilst looking at my reflection on the floor
Then Ayah was like "You do know that people outside can see you kan?"
And I sorta slipped and fell on my butt,real hard,and it's now bruised
And the lady sweeping the floor across the hall was sniggering at me
Made a face I hoped said "Pisyh,jatuh je,chill chill"
This brings flashbacks of the time Fithri literally catapulted me from the seesaw in Bandar Utama:'(
Will now continue drowning my sorrows (and embarrassment) with a tub of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia and some Chemistry homework and..
thats a whole lotta love going on,by the way hahahahahahaha
thats a whole lotta love going on,by the way hahahahahahaha
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Lone Star
This very special moment requires shock-proof mats to keep Mum from getting a concussion when I tell her
Books have been dusted off and been reopened,read thoroughly as well
Although,for a moment there I just sat down and read all the silly scribbles between the margins
Which reminds me of the vulgar words we wrote on the borrowed textbooks
*Mir!Kita lupa nak liquid convo dalam buku Biology tuu*
As I was saying,I evenhandedly read chapters two and three for Form Four Biology and even squeezed in the topics Mr Ramesh told us to read for Form 5 Biology
Am writing down short-notes as we speak and going through a few exercises for Math
Much to my surprise (and probably all of yours as well),I'm off to a good start
Fingers crossed,I'll be able to keep this up until SPM rolls around
[Edit: I've just realized that I have a mountain of homework screaming at my face,I'll just list them out so I won't forget
Books have been dusted off and been reopened,read thoroughly as well
Although,for a moment there I just sat down and read all the silly scribbles between the margins
Which reminds me of the vulgar words we wrote on the borrowed textbooks
*Mir!Kita lupa nak liquid convo dalam buku Biology tuu*
As I was saying,I evenhandedly read chapters two and three for Form Four Biology and even squeezed in the topics Mr Ramesh told us to read for Form 5 Biology
Am writing down short-notes as we speak and going through a few exercises for Math
Much to my surprise (and probably all of yours as well),I'm off to a good start
Fingers crossed,I'll be able to keep this up until SPM rolls around
[Edit: I've just realized that I have a mountain of homework screaming at my face,I'll just list them out so I won't forget
- Bahasa Melayu Latihan Tatabahasa and Pemahaman Komsas
- Agama Notes Chapter 12-19 and Folio on Chapter 21 and so on
- Additional Math Progression Exercise (I FINISHED THIS ALL BY MYSELF:'))
- Chemistry Exercise on Chapter 8 form Four and Report on Double Decomposition
- Wujudkan my Biology Folio and complete exercise for Chapter 9
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Here's To You

Wouldn't you care when someone's acting perfectly normal and kidding around and the very next day he totally blows you off?
Wouldn't you care when he's obviously ignoring you and avoiding you?
Have you been living under a rock these past few years like so many other guys?
I'm dumbfounded,and really disappointed to say the least
I thought maybe you've some brain cells left enough to have the courtesy of telling me that I annoy you or whatsoever
Do I make you nervous?Or wait,here's a good one,like so many others,you think I've grown a liking towards you,no?
And being the egoistic male you are,you don't want to lead me on so you decide to ditch me as a friend
Reality check,chances of me liking you are one to a gajillion and I really,really,really miss talking crap like nobody's business with you
Thursday, January 8, 2009
*Coughs and Gags*

Hi,I am still sick as ever and maybe even worse
To top it all off,my taste buds have decided to abandon me
Haven't even stop sniffling since I opened my eyes this morning
School was okay,switched bases with Waa so I was with Burhan,Mann and Flapp
This by the way,is a remix of That's Not My Name by the three stooges
They call me Zein
They call me Ketot
Memang my name,memang my name
They call me Ketot
Memang my name,memang my name
And it goes on,something like that lah.
Anyhoo,Nad and Raihan decided on our class's theme,Hollywood Hill-ish
The boys voted on hippie whatever because there'd be weed and pot and whatnot hahaha
Eventhough the boys won,Nad and Raihan insisted on their idea and they can be very persuasive at times
On to another topic,they're giving us a choice for SPM to be held on November 10th or November 23rd
I am hundred and one percent all for sitting for SPM early!Well,me and a few others
Suck balls lah if there ain't no time,I just want it to be over
Oh,and if we have it on the 23rd,Prom will be postponed really,really late
And us Biology students wont have any space to breathe in between days!
Must brainwash fellow 5 Alfas and maybe some Betarians as well (I know I can count on Haniesha hahaha!)
Managed to finish my Bahasa Melayu,Addmaths and Chemistry homework and now I'm left with a few notes for Chemistry and a report
Maybe I'll talk later,I've got some anger to be released
Anyhoo,Nad and Raihan decided on our class's theme,Hollywood Hill-ish
The boys voted on hippie whatever because there'd be weed and pot and whatnot hahaha
Eventhough the boys won,Nad and Raihan insisted on their idea and they can be very persuasive at times
On to another topic,they're giving us a choice for SPM to be held on November 10th or November 23rd
I am hundred and one percent all for sitting for SPM early!Well,me and a few others
Suck balls lah if there ain't no time,I just want it to be over
Oh,and if we have it on the 23rd,Prom will be postponed really,really late
And us Biology students wont have any space to breathe in between days!
Must brainwash fellow 5 Alfas and maybe some Betarians as well (I know I can count on Haniesha hahaha!)
Managed to finish my Bahasa Melayu,Addmaths and Chemistry homework and now I'm left with a few notes for Chemistry and a report
Maybe I'll talk later,I've got some anger to be released
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Leave Britney Alo-hone!
Since November 2008,Ilya has been planning a movie marathon for the gang
But selalu ditangguhkan because most of us had family plans and whatnot
Same thing today,went over to Ilya's house (dah macam rumah sendiri) to supposedly watch horror movies
Malangnya,as soon as I flopped on her bed,we all decided to amuse ourselves with Chris Crocker Youtube vlogs
And sudah menjadi lumrah that Wa and I will always get hungry within any radius near Ilya's house
The both of us trotted off to the kitchen,rooted around in the cupboards (told you macam rumah sendiri)
Finally decided on the simplest,MAGGI and whilst waiting we took a bite of Ilya's strawberry pie
Yang lain kat atas tu cakap tak lapar,but as soon as Waa took the periuk off the stove,turun lah semua hahaha
After finishing a bowl,I was still hungry (eventhough I had rice for lunch?!) so I licked cookie dough and ate a quarter more of the pie
I volunteered to wash the plates and cups and I was talking to them from the sink
But nobody responded because the table was empty and the rest were already in front of the teevee -.-'
Raa beat the crap out of me while playing Wii,memang kelakar sial kita main ahahaha
So,technically,I spent the day with them without opening a book
I feel so guilty right now.......Okay,guilt's over
But selalu ditangguhkan because most of us had family plans and whatnot
Same thing today,went over to Ilya's house (dah macam rumah sendiri) to supposedly watch horror movies
Malangnya,as soon as I flopped on her bed,we all decided to amuse ourselves with Chris Crocker Youtube vlogs
And sudah menjadi lumrah that Wa and I will always get hungry within any radius near Ilya's house
The both of us trotted off to the kitchen,rooted around in the cupboards (told you macam rumah sendiri)
Finally decided on the simplest,MAGGI and whilst waiting we took a bite of Ilya's strawberry pie
Yang lain kat atas tu cakap tak lapar,but as soon as Waa took the periuk off the stove,turun lah semua hahaha
After finishing a bowl,I was still hungry (eventhough I had rice for lunch?!) so I licked cookie dough and ate a quarter more of the pie
I volunteered to wash the plates and cups and I was talking to them from the sink
But nobody responded because the table was empty and the rest were already in front of the teevee -.-'
Raa beat the crap out of me while playing Wii,memang kelakar sial kita main ahahaha
So,technically,I spent the day with them without opening a book
I feel so guilty right now.......Okay,guilt's over
Monday, January 5, 2009
Last of Firsts
Grumbled and refused to get up from bed this morning
I will never get used to waking up at the asscrack of dawn,ever
Mum told me to look on the brightside,it's my last first day of high school
I told her there are no brightsides when it comes to school and Mum yanked me out of bed (curse the slippery rug)
Carpooled with Deb today and I've always been fascinated with the backseat's safety belt hahaha
Assembly went smoothly,much to our relief but by 9am,I was sweating bullets and that ain't a pretty sight
On the other hand,coming back to school means getting bullied again by my dear classmates,Mann,Amir and the guys especially tapi saya terima dengan rela hati hahaha
Got good teachers this year,although our batch will be dropping EST and taking Civic instead (BABI GILA)
Overall,it was a satisfying first day in the fifth form
I will never get used to waking up at the asscrack of dawn,ever
Mum told me to look on the brightside,it's my last first day of high school
I told her there are no brightsides when it comes to school and Mum yanked me out of bed (curse the slippery rug)
Carpooled with Deb today and I've always been fascinated with the backseat's safety belt hahaha
Assembly went smoothly,much to our relief but by 9am,I was sweating bullets and that ain't a pretty sight
On the other hand,coming back to school means getting bullied again by my dear classmates,Mann,Amir and the guys especially tapi saya terima dengan rela hati hahaha
Got good teachers this year,although our batch will be dropping EST and taking Civic instead (BABI GILA)
Overall,it was a satisfying first day in the fifth form
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