Saturday, February 21, 2009
Enough With Comparisons,Mister
Chemistry Tuition
Ann : Weh,boleh tak kita cancel tuition now?
Sha : Ha'a ha'a !
Ana :Semua mengantuk,tapi dah 1230pm kot,cikgu sure dah sampai
Ana:Cakap kat dia semua period pain!
Ilya : Haa yes! Semua period
Sha : Memang tak ah.Cakap semua tak datang,eh no,like,4 org je ada
Ana : Dia mesti nak jugak naik nnti -.-'
Jaa : Hahahahahaha kureng sial
* door bells ring*
Jaa : Lari lari lari !
Ilya and I then stumble off our chairs and run towards the stairs
Ann opens the door,and Nathan is gawping at the sight of Me,Ilya and Jaa running away
We must've looked like three deers caught in a headlight
The three of us were laughing uncontrollably and we came down and sat in our seats
While Nathan was drawing something on the whiteboard,Ann got a call and said "Naik atas lah !"
Nathan stopped,and looked at her while we were still trying to control our laughter
He thought Ann was telling him to draw the picture atas sikit hahahahaha
In the middle of explaining the history of atoms,I tried getting Ilya's attention and made eyes at her
I heard Nathan stop talking so I looked up at him and he asked me, Asha (me),You Okay Or Not?You Admire Eli (Ilya) Is It?Eli,Be Careful Aa
Hahahahahaha,I avoided looking at Ilya for the whole class
I can't remember what Nathan said,but it was tummy-achingly hilarious,so I couldn't stop sniggering
I laughed througout the hour of Chemistry today,stopping only to take deep breaths in between,yknow how torturing that is?
Nathan : Students ! Con.Cen.Trrrrrrrrrate!
Afiqah : Dengar tu,con.cen.trrrrrrrrrate!
Sha: Ahahahahahahahaha bodoh
Nathan : Look at Qris (Ilya,again),she's concentrating!
Ilya : *hides behind her hair to control laughter*
Sha : *doesnt bother to hide her laughter,insteads,continue laughing until we finish drawing the table*
Raidah : Ala,korang ni kan,ish,nak gaduh ke?Jumpa belakang sekolah aa
Ilya : Tadehal,jom aa,nak takut apa
Sha : Gangstah sial Raidah
Ann : Teacher,you know Raidah is a gangster?She bullies people yknow
Nathan : *looks at Raidah with concern* Radiiiiiiiiiah (Raidah),you must treat people nicely yknow
Us : HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHA *he fell for it,again*
Ilya : Teacher,you forgot her name aa? *points to me*
Nathan : Haa yes,whats your name aa girl?Sorry
Afiqah : Zein,Ziana Zain,she was named after her auntie
Nathan : Ooh,so you know Anuar Zain lah?
Me : Of coooooooooourse lah,teacher
Nathan : Okay,girls,concentrate.Eli (Ilya),who's your new boyfriend?
Ilya : My chemistry book
Nathan : YEEEEES,everybody's boyfriend is their chemistry book,now
Fatimah (Jaa,jauh betul dia salah cakap nama kau),when you go to Singapore,sleep with your book,bring it along
Ana : Eh,no can do lah ! Kena tangkap khalwat nnti
God,Mr Nathan can be a stand up comedian.He's funny without having to try,at all!Selalu kena bully hahahaha
Had Biology with Mr Ramesh at Sya's place after that,first thing I saw was Megat sitting across Ramesh o_o
I still owe you Dome,after a year.A deal's a deal!
Sha : Ha'a ha'a !
Ana :Semua mengantuk,tapi dah 1230pm kot,cikgu sure dah sampai
Ana:Cakap kat dia semua period pain!
Ilya : Haa yes! Semua period
Sha : Memang tak ah.Cakap semua tak datang,eh no,like,4 org je ada
Ana : Dia mesti nak jugak naik nnti -.-'
Jaa : Hahahahahaha kureng sial
* door bells ring*
Jaa : Lari lari lari !
Ilya and I then stumble off our chairs and run towards the stairs
Ann opens the door,and Nathan is gawping at the sight of Me,Ilya and Jaa running away
We must've looked like three deers caught in a headlight
The three of us were laughing uncontrollably and we came down and sat in our seats
While Nathan was drawing something on the whiteboard,Ann got a call and said "Naik atas lah !"
Nathan stopped,and looked at her while we were still trying to control our laughter
He thought Ann was telling him to draw the picture atas sikit hahahahaha
In the middle of explaining the history of atoms,I tried getting Ilya's attention and made eyes at her
I heard Nathan stop talking so I looked up at him and he asked me, Asha (me),You Okay Or Not?You Admire Eli (Ilya) Is It?Eli,Be Careful Aa
Hahahahahaha,I avoided looking at Ilya for the whole class
I can't remember what Nathan said,but it was tummy-achingly hilarious,so I couldn't stop sniggering
I laughed througout the hour of Chemistry today,stopping only to take deep breaths in between,yknow how torturing that is?
Nathan : Students ! Con.Cen.Trrrrrrrrrate!
Afiqah : Dengar tu,con.cen.trrrrrrrrrate!
Sha: Ahahahahahahahaha bodoh
Nathan : Look at Qris (Ilya,again),she's concentrating!
Ilya : *hides behind her hair to control laughter*
Sha : *doesnt bother to hide her laughter,insteads,continue laughing until we finish drawing the table*
Raidah : Ala,korang ni kan,ish,nak gaduh ke?Jumpa belakang sekolah aa
Ilya : Tadehal,jom aa,nak takut apa
Sha : Gangstah sial Raidah
Ann : Teacher,you know Raidah is a gangster?She bullies people yknow
Nathan : *looks at Raidah with concern* Radiiiiiiiiiah (Raidah),you must treat people nicely yknow
Us : HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHA *he fell for it,again*
Ilya : Teacher,you forgot her name aa? *points to me*
Nathan : Haa yes,whats your name aa girl?Sorry
Afiqah : Zein,Ziana Zain,she was named after her auntie
Nathan : Ooh,so you know Anuar Zain lah?
Me : Of coooooooooourse lah,teacher
Nathan : Okay,girls,concentrate.Eli (Ilya),who's your new boyfriend?
Ilya : My chemistry book
Nathan : YEEEEES,everybody's boyfriend is their chemistry book,now
Fatimah (Jaa,jauh betul dia salah cakap nama kau),when you go to Singapore,sleep with your book,bring it along
Ana : Eh,no can do lah ! Kena tangkap khalwat nnti
God,Mr Nathan can be a stand up comedian.He's funny without having to try,at all!Selalu kena bully hahahaha
Had Biology with Mr Ramesh at Sya's place after that,first thing I saw was Megat sitting across Ramesh o_o
I still owe you Dome,after a year.A deal's a deal!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Resemblance My Arse
Whilst I was in the midst of imagining myself getting on a subway to Oxford Street,I was interrupted with a (hard) nudge
Pn. Suhana:Aishah....
Me: Err,ye saya? *shit shit shit,please don't say she saw me cheating shit shit shit *
Pn. Suhana : Setiap kali Cikgu pandang kamu kan,tahu tak Cikgu teringat kat siapa?
Me: Err,tak? *THANK THE LORD ! *
Pn. Suhana : Dayang Nurfaizah *grins widely*
Me : Ahaaaaaaahahahahahaha!
Pn. Suhana :Eh,Shhhh! Orang tak habis jawab paper lagi lah
Me : Oo,yeah,sorry,haa,tapi saya lagi lawa lah Cikgu,ish
Pn Suhana : Ye lah tu,sampai kamu graduate,Cikgu panggil kamu Dayang ok?
Me : *cringes*
When she leaves the class,she came to me and said Bye Dayang !
Oooooooookay,Pn Suhana,I think your medication wore off
Pn. Suhana:Aishah....
Me: Err,ye saya? *shit shit shit,please don't say she saw me cheating shit shit shit *
Pn. Suhana : Setiap kali Cikgu pandang kamu kan,tahu tak Cikgu teringat kat siapa?
Me: Err,tak? *THANK THE LORD ! *
Pn. Suhana : Dayang Nurfaizah *grins widely*
Me : Ahaaaaaaahahahahahaha!
Pn. Suhana :Eh,Shhhh! Orang tak habis jawab paper lagi lah
Me : Oo,yeah,sorry,haa,tapi saya lagi lawa lah Cikgu,ish
Pn Suhana : Ye lah tu,sampai kamu graduate,Cikgu panggil kamu Dayang ok?
Me : *cringes*
When she leaves the class,she came to me and said Bye Dayang !
Oooooooookay,Pn Suhana,I think your medication wore off
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
What Exam?

"Pa! I'm going over to Ilya's to (supposedly and definitely not) study Biology okay?" : Mission to Study Failed
Skipped Agama and Chemistry paper today,smart move
Feel like faking a flu tomorrow but I am willingly ready to fail my Addmaths and Physics
I've planned to leave my paper empty with the exception of answers I make up,maybe even pass "tissues" to Waa for help when I'm desperate
I'm not stupid and I know I can score well for all those subjects,I know I have at least half a brain
What separates me and me only from the rest of the 5 Alpha Geniuses,is that I'm too darn lazy
If you want an example of a procrastinator,call me
Because I've been telling myself to study for SPM since December 2008,no such luck
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Bah Hum Bug
Valentine's Day was as dull and disappointing as always
I'm not complaining though,
Started off the morning really groggy,contemplating whether I should go for Merentas Desa
Still,I got out of bed and took a shower anyways and by the time I was out,I decided to go
I mean,its my last year in school so why not yeah?
Climbed up the stairs to school and lined up in our houses
Sat with Haniesha and Emeilee,then Audrey came,Lisa and Uzma and Raihan too
One of the boys switched on the radio and we had to do warm-ups
Warmed-up with We The Kings,Metro Station and Hot and Cold (sah CD Flapp ke Megat Jazzly)
And of we went,walked to Kiara Park with Ann,Ana,Raihan,Waa,Man and Syakir as well
Had to wait a few minutes before they called the Form 5s and 4s to the starting line
Lish and I made sure we were somewhere in the middle and everybody else was reassuring us that they'll "jog je,taknak lari"
Sekali whistle bunyi,semua pecut gelabah tak ingat dunia -.-'
Lish was shrieking and laughing and that made me laugh even harder soooo,by the time we reached the slope,we began to slow down,oxygen debt kot!
And then,we saw Jenny Hong's van so we made a pit-stop and bought soya bean
Mann predicted I'd stop and eat taufoofah or either buy soya bean and he was right
Lish went ahead and I power-walked with Raidah,kesian dia kot,sorang sorang :( hahaha
Adrenalin began to rush when I saw the boys overtaking us soooooo,I ran for awhile JE hahaha
Gave Eijas a sip of the soya bean and off he went,saw Jaa,Waa and Uzma going down-hill
Eijas pun,laju gila babi sial
Left Raidah behind after that to catch up with Lish and we ran down the slope,part paling senang
At least we didnt reach last kan,not bad not bad
The first thing the teachers said to us was "Sempat lagi beli soya bean?!"
Was sweating bullets and my feet were about to break in half,begged Pn Shanthy to bring me in her car but she was riding in somebody else's too
As usual,our gang was the loudest,shrieking and shouting when they announced winners
Blue House won with 418 marks this year for Merentas Desa,jyeeeah baybay
Be scared,people,be very scared
I think I'll go and pretend to study,just to satisfy Mum hahaha
I'm not complaining though,
Started off the morning really groggy,contemplating whether I should go for Merentas Desa
Still,I got out of bed and took a shower anyways and by the time I was out,I decided to go
I mean,its my last year in school so why not yeah?
Climbed up the stairs to school and lined up in our houses
Sat with Haniesha and Emeilee,then Audrey came,Lisa and Uzma and Raihan too
One of the boys switched on the radio and we had to do warm-ups
Warmed-up with We The Kings,Metro Station and Hot and Cold (sah CD Flapp ke Megat Jazzly)
And of we went,walked to Kiara Park with Ann,Ana,Raihan,Waa,Man and Syakir as well
Had to wait a few minutes before they called the Form 5s and 4s to the starting line
Lish and I made sure we were somewhere in the middle and everybody else was reassuring us that they'll "jog je,taknak lari"
Sekali whistle bunyi,semua pecut gelabah tak ingat dunia -.-'
Lish was shrieking and laughing and that made me laugh even harder soooo,by the time we reached the slope,we began to slow down,oxygen debt kot!
And then,we saw Jenny Hong's van so we made a pit-stop and bought soya bean
Mann predicted I'd stop and eat taufoofah or either buy soya bean and he was right
Lish went ahead and I power-walked with Raidah,kesian dia kot,sorang sorang :( hahaha
Adrenalin began to rush when I saw the boys overtaking us soooooo,I ran for awhile JE hahaha
Gave Eijas a sip of the soya bean and off he went,saw Jaa,Waa and Uzma going down-hill
Eijas pun,laju gila babi sial
Left Raidah behind after that to catch up with Lish and we ran down the slope,part paling senang
At least we didnt reach last kan,not bad not bad
The first thing the teachers said to us was "Sempat lagi beli soya bean?!"
Was sweating bullets and my feet were about to break in half,begged Pn Shanthy to bring me in her car but she was riding in somebody else's too
As usual,our gang was the loudest,shrieking and shouting when they announced winners
Blue House won with 418 marks this year for Merentas Desa,jyeeeah baybay
Be scared,people,be very scared
I think I'll go and pretend to study,just to satisfy Mum hahaha
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
SPM Two Double Oh Nine
Realization has finally washed over me!
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia 2009 will start on the 18th of November ( a week after my seventeenth birthday) and the torture will end on the 9th of December
(I'm sure MOST of you guys aren't taking Bahasa Tamil,Menservis Peralatan Penyejukan dan Penyaman Udara etc. right?)
For Biology,IT and Accounts Students
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia 2009 will start on the 18th of November ( a week after my seventeenth birthday) and the torture will end on the 9th of December
(I'm sure MOST of you guys aren't taking Bahasa Tamil,Menservis Peralatan Penyejukan dan Penyaman Udara etc. right?)
For Biology,IT and Accounts Students
Monday,18th November - Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1,Sejarah Kertas 1,Bahasa Melayu Kertas 2
Tuesday,19th November- English Paper 1,English Paper 2,Sejarah Kertas 2
Wednesday,20th November- YEAH BABY,English for Science and Technology SAHAJA THIRD DAY!
Monday,23rd November- Mathematics Kertas 1,Mathematics Kertas 2,IT Kertas 1
Tuesday,24th November- Agama Kertas 1,Pendidikan Moral Kertas 1,Agama Kertas 2
Wednesday,25th November- Additional Mathematics Kertas 1 ,Additional Mathematics Kertas 2 (Curse you,person who made AddMaths compulsory!)
Monday,30th November - Prinsip Perakaunan 1,Prisip Perakaunan 2
Tuesday,1st December- Biology Kertas 1,Biology Kertas 2,Biology Kertas 3
Wednesday,2nd December- No Papers for All Of Us unless you guys are taking Perdagangan/Reka Cipta
Thursday,3rd December - Physics Kertas 1,Physics Kertas 2,Physics Kertas 3
Tuesday,8th December - Tassawur Islam Kertas 2,Tassawur Islam Kertas 1
Wednesday,9th December- Chemistry Kertas 1,Chemistry Kertas 2,Chemistry Kertas 3
Thursday,10th December until God Knows When - Taste Of Freedom 101 :DDD
Tuesday,19th November- English Paper 1,English Paper 2,Sejarah Kertas 2
Wednesday,20th November- YEAH BABY,English for Science and Technology SAHAJA THIRD DAY!
Monday,23rd November- Mathematics Kertas 1,Mathematics Kertas 2,IT Kertas 1
Tuesday,24th November- Agama Kertas 1,Pendidikan Moral Kertas 1,Agama Kertas 2
Wednesday,25th November- Additional Mathematics Kertas 1 ,Additional Mathematics Kertas 2 (Curse you,person who made AddMaths compulsory!)
Monday,30th November - Prinsip Perakaunan 1,Prisip Perakaunan 2
Tuesday,1st December- Biology Kertas 1,Biology Kertas 2,Biology Kertas 3
Wednesday,2nd December- No Papers for All Of Us unless you guys are taking Perdagangan/Reka Cipta
Thursday,3rd December - Physics Kertas 1,Physics Kertas 2,Physics Kertas 3
Tuesday,8th December - Tassawur Islam Kertas 2,Tassawur Islam Kertas 1
Wednesday,9th December- Chemistry Kertas 1,Chemistry Kertas 2,Chemistry Kertas 3
Thursday,10th December until God Knows When - Taste Of Freedom 101 :DDD
After going through the time-table,I am absolutely determined to study because I don't want to go through what I did when I got my PMR Results two years ago.It wasn't pretty.
9 months left,my friends,270 days to be exact
I can already here the cheers of joy and see papers flying all over the place
(Nak menaikkan semangat semua orang ni hahaha)
9 months left,my friends,270 days to be exact
I can already here the cheers of joy and see papers flying all over the place
(Nak menaikkan semangat semua orang ni hahaha)
p/s for more information,visit JPJ's Website
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Nak pergi Pavillion!
Sebab,nak jumpa orang yang kerja tu!
Flashing that killer smile was a big mistake,mister
I've been grinning like an idiot,ever since
Hold your horses though,nothing serious
He's just really,absolutely adorable.Too adorable.
And now,I'm praying to God that he isn't some guy I ignored on my Friends List on Myspace
And that he doesn't stumble upon this blog
And if he does, *waves*
Sebab,nak jumpa orang yang kerja tu!
Flashing that killer smile was a big mistake,mister
I've been grinning like an idiot,ever since
Hold your horses though,nothing serious
He's just really,absolutely adorable.Too adorable.
And now,I'm praying to God that he isn't some guy I ignored on my Friends List on Myspace
And that he doesn't stumble upon this blog
And if he does, *waves*
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Karma Came Back to Bite Me in the Ass
Mum just called to inform me that a drug addict smashed all her car windows
I burst into fits of rage,because I left my school bag in the car after EST classes this afternoon when her driver picked me up.
Therefore,my Chemistry books are gone.My Addmath books are gone.My testpad that also doubles as a file is gone,along with my Agama folio that,hey,needs to be passed up tomorrow.The presentation's CD is gone,oh,lookie here,it says on my notebook that tomorrow's the last day.
That also means that I have to redo ALL my notes and exercises.
Which also means that I am ready to strangle myself and decapitate that man's head if I ever find him,and he'll have an unpleasent fate.Just like Barbie and Ken did when I was five.
Which also means that I am ready to strangle myself and decapitate that man's head if I ever find him,and he'll have an unpleasent fate.Just like Barbie and Ken did when I was five.
So will you if you tell me to relax because its just a bag
Yeah,a bag with bloody books in it that need to be passed up tomorrow and will go into my test scores.
I feel like crying right now,all that work,gone! Honestly,Chemistry is one of the few subjects I actually bother to complete my work,pretty neat pula tu :'(
I'll retreat to my room now,this is effing emotional and its actually really funny.
I'll retreat to my room now,this is effing emotional and its actually really funny.
Bloody hell,all that drug's gotten to that bastard's mind
Jual lah bag Topshop aku tu untuk RM10,campak aa ilmu aku tu :'(
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Brovado of a Coward

There are nights when I stand outside of my house and tilt my head towards the sky
Everytime,the cluster of stars catches my attention and I can't help but to admire
Everytime though,I have some sort of resentment towards those stars
Stars remind me of you,y'see
Far away and never,ever bothers to answer me,my pleas,wishes and questions
Sounds familiar?
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