I'm not denying the fact that I've an itty-bitty ounce of jealousy running through my veins but I shall put that aside for the sake of this post
Backtracking to Saturday,I woke up feeling rather drowsy and nauseous but dragged myself into the shower,put on some decent clothes and reluctantly went to school for kawad practice which was a waste of time ( kena maki hamun lagi dengan si dia yang memang takboleh move on from high school life,kau pakai tudung,go around preaching about Islam tapi mulut berlaser gila babi,kau tahu kan tu dikira dosa jugak? )
Went back home around 1130pm as I had Chemistry tuition but was tardy (as if it's a crime,you really should purchase yourself a packet of chill pills) because Dad had things to settle
Had Biology after that with Mr. Ramesh and Ann drove us to One Utama for Raidah's Suprise Birthday Tea
Needless to say,she was gobsmacked hehehe ( taknak gelak teeheehee dah,Ilman ejek )
We were really boggled by the names Atin's asrama-mates made-up for each other and couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole conversation
The worst part is,Atin wasn't kidding,people like this really do exist
Sha : Woinks?Pe-ah?Geez,and I thought our nicknames were weird HAHAHAHAHAHA
Afiqah : Apa maksud woinks pun?!
Atin : Alaaa,dia macamnii *bobbles her head*
Sha : Ohh,Atin,dalam dunia kita,we call it BobbleHeads tau
Ilya : Kasi lah nama lain jugak,kita nak gelak lagi ni hahahahaha
Atin : Ada this one guy,his name's Syaqil but we call him Jong
Us : HAHAHAHAHAHAHA JONG ?!Modgorb lah,itu lah,what's next?!HAHAHAHAHA
Atin : A few seniors ni,nama satu tu Pe-ot and Jijah *looks at us really seriously*
Us : Hahahahahahahaahahahaha * banging the table
Atin : Ada pengkid ni tau and dia ikat tudung mcm yang ribbon kat neck tu HAHA
Ilya : Waa,cuba ikat sikit,tunjuk kita
Sha : I thought ikatan ni only exists in movies involving makcik tua-tua
Lingered around One Utama until Mama Qis picked Qis and I up
Around 8pm,Mum called to tell me that she had a dinner to attend so I was to stay slightly longer
When Qis and I went down to the kitchen,her mum told me to "Stay over lah,Auntie nak bully Sha pulak harini,kita tengok the Unborn"
Texted Mama and she gave me the greenlight to sleepover,had dinner in Hartamas and explored Kuala Lumpur shortly after
Watched the Unborn with Qis's family and sleepily climbed the stairs at midnight
Did the usual riff with Qis,stalked Myspace pages and criticised people's clothing items
As Qis was lying down on the bed,she asked me "Shaa,who's that little boy staring at you tu?"
I literally leaped from the armchair onto her bed and said "I am so sleeping on the bed with you tonight,Ilya"
I did and almost fell off the egde numerous times in the middle of the night hahaha
Woke up on Sunday to Ann's call and drove over to Mosin for breakfast in our pajamas
Soon after,Ramesh came over for Physics tuition and he exclaimed excitedly that the different atmosphere in our first class and today's class ketara nak mati *grins*
Mind you,this post is very rojak but it doesn't really matter does it?
As long as you people don't mind and agreeing would be a pretty safe answer
Alas,tomorrow's the start of a new term which also unfortunately means waking up at the ass-crack of dawn and dragging ourselves to that hellhole we're sent to in order to jetset to London,England and snag a Brit whilst studying literature or law