Its been two days,and I'm already hooked on the Rubiks cube.
I mean,I used to think only geeks solved them,how stereotypical of me.
Ever since ,I've been too darn determined to solve the cube.I actually focused real hard during Pn Ooi's class.And she came behind us and said,That's Hard.And we replied,Harder Than Addmaths Lah,Teacher!
I tried solving it a few times in school with the help of Azzim and managed to solve a few sides.
And,whenever I try to solve it by myself,selalu ada tangan yang gatal nak "tolong"
Do not,i repeat,do not mess with me when I'm focusing real hard.
Atin used to say I stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating,and there's a picture to prove it.Anyways,there I was sitting on my bed,texting Amir,when I got bored.I grabbed my Rubiks cube and tried to solve it,by myself.With no hands trying to snatch the cube away,I managed to solve it.Yeah yeah yeah!I mean,a few sides je but still!
SHA:Amir Amir!I solved the cube.Ehee.
AMIR:No,you didnt.You just solved one side.
SHA:Oh,eh,three sides,excuuuuuse me.Ohmygoodness,it feels so invigorating hahaha.
AMIR:Yee lah,Sha.Ye lah-.-
SHA:Wow,thanks for your utmost sincere moral support.
AMIR:You're welcome:)
SHA:Azzim!Guess what?I solved a few sides on that Rubiks thingie.
AZZIM:Mhmi believe you Sha
SHA:Fine,taknak percaya sudah
AMIR:No,you didnt.You just solved one side.
SHA:Oh,eh,three sides,excuuuuuse me.Ohmygoodness,it feels so invigorating hahaha.
AMIR:Yee lah,Sha.Ye lah-.-
SHA:Wow,thanks for your utmost sincere moral support.
AMIR:You're welcome:)
SHA:Azzim!Guess what?I solved a few sides on that Rubiks thingie.
AZZIM:Mhmi believe you Sha
SHA:Fine,taknak percaya sudah
As you can see,I have such a great group of friends<3>
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