Day One-Mum's side
Sent the Raya message to everyone in my contacts list,I'm not sure if everyone got it though
Because from RM10 credit,I was left with 57 cents by the time it reached the letter M
First day of Raya has always been spent at Maktok's house here,in KL
I helped Mum and Tante Rina cook rendang the night before (haha i know,right,i couldn't even boil water until Nurul taught me haha) but retreated to Atok's room soon after.I wasn't going to stay up till 3am like my sisters have every year.
Woke up the next morning with a bad migrane and a cold but managed to take a bath and put on my pretty kebaya (i must say so myself)
Downstairs,half of the cousins were already there,eagerly waiting for the adults to pass out the duit raya.
But we had to be patient,duit raya is given out only when the adults are leaving the house
Opah's house was literally packed with relatives.Mind you,I've tons of cousins,tons
Kak Sherina came with baby Suri,so adorable !
Abang Hattan's daughter,Adriana came too,with her mini kebaya nyonya.Her mum's an Indonesian so Adriana speaks Malay with a thick Indonesian accent.
I've watched plenty Indonesian movies and series so imagine me,oh-so-mesmerized by this 3 year-old speaking to me,using every Indonesian slang I've heard of on telly hahaha.
Taking the family photograph was a hassle because we shot the pictures in the garden.
I was chased by a bee,stumbling and teetering on my high heels while Nana said it was because bees like people who seldom bathe.
EXCUSE ME!I bathe 3 times a day,morning,noon and evening.
At night,Iman and Ayeej came.Ah,he's so adorable and he runs fast,too fast for me to catch up with him.Like a mini Ussein Bolt (correct me on this one)
You could say I mostly entertain the younger cousins and nieces and nephews.
Mainly because they wouldn't make fun of me if I sneeze and sniffle and cough and wheeze while pretending to act all feminine HA-HA
Day Two-Dad's Side
Dad dragged us out of bed around 6am and said we could take a bath once we reach Kuala Pilah,Negeri Sembilan (hahah,and we did!)
Because of the massive traffic dreadlock,it took us four hours to actually reach Negri Sembilan
and Ayah was laughing hysterically at this BMW for God knows what reason throughout the whole journey
On Ayah's side,most of my cousins are married and have kids of their own so Raya's not as fun as it used to be
Ate and took pictures at what Mak Ngah called "the antique stairs" because its been there for almost a hundred years,yes yes.
Half of the kampung house has been demolished and renovated,rumah batu
Which is pretty good,considering I used to walk on tiptoes
But the upper part of our kampung house is still made of kayu because Arwah Wan wanted that to be preserved
Lined up for the anticipated duit raya from Mak Lang,she gives the most hahaha
Everyone was upstairs and I was the only one left watching telly in the living room
Lying down,with only the top part of my baju kurung I don't think it was what visitors would want to be greeted by HAHA
But then,this group of kids came running in through the main gate,shouting Selamat Hari Raya
and needless to say,I was shocked
Made the routine rounds to people's houses,like Ayah's ex-lead guitaris (mind you,dad had a band,i've got pictures and electric Fender guitars to prove it haha)
Anyhooo,reached home Friday morning tired and satisfied with the money we received
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