Stop the criticism.Really,just stop it.
I'm sick and tired of having to hear people criticize my body and having to repeat myself every time,saying I've a high metabolism
I don't understand why some people go all out just to have a perfect size 2 body
I don't understand why they can't be comfortable in their own skin and quit criticizing mine!
Yes,okay.I'm skinny,I barely weigh over 45kg and my arms are like toothpicks.
I don't eat much at times but that doesn't mean I'm bulimic
I don't have an awesome figure but that doesn't mean I'm anorexic
And you say don't judge a book by its cover?How stereotypical can a person be?
Don't you understand?!I actually really,absolutely,want to put on more weight
I'd kill to weigh at least 45kg rather than my 39 kg (I lost one kg over ramadhan)
The parents have been observing what's on my plate and how much of it goes into my mouth
Which to me,is highly unnecessary
They've even considered entering me into a weight-gain program
Making me feel more conscious and aware of my thin figure
The one thing,however,that will never fail to piss me off is when people remind me that I wasn't "blessed" with B cup boobs
That's called stating the obvious and its very well annoying
I'd love to give this long lecture but I can't postpone my date with Electromagnets and Tamadun Islam or something like that,xxx
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