I'm at a loss for words as of late and I just can't seem to understand why
This is a very rare occasion y'see and its making me really fidgety
I can't believe 2008 will be closing its curtains in a few days time
I am not ready to leave behind my absent-minded year
I am definitely not ready to start studying like a mad man
I want time to pass by slowly yet fast at the same time
I want to get SPM over and done with
I want the license to drive
I just want the satisfaction of turning seventeen
But at the same time,I don't want school to end
How ironic is that?Pretty much,I say
Sure,I've days when I dread waking up and facing my teachers because I put off doing my homework
Sure,I rarely pay attention in my classes and yes,I'm guilty of skipping a few with my friends
But,these past four years in smkttdi have been great no matter what people say about the school
You know what the best thing is?I've watched friends from kindergarten and primary school grow up alongside myself
We've gone through the awkward teenage phase together,pretty embarrassing
But that's why we're all so comfortable with each other
And most of them are and always will be my good friends
We've hit some rough patches along the way but most of our time spent together have been nothing but the best
I look at a few of my older friends and as soon as college starts
They start to drift away from each other,as much as they hate to admit it
That's the thing I worry about the most after school ends
I don't want to stop seeing you guys everyday in school
I don't want to imagine going through the day in college all alone
I'd hate to think that I wont be able to walk out into the corridor with Wa and Deb and see Raidah,Ann,Ilya,Sarah,Ana,Farisha,Lana,Afiqah,Jaa outside their class like we always do when there aren't any teachers around
I'd hate to think that I wont be able to go down early for recess and mess around with the other prefects,see the awful canteen guy flirt with us
I'd hate to think that I won't be able to witness the things Amir,Acap,Man,Ruiz,Azzim and a few others come up with.
I'd hate to think that I wont able to get all those sarcastic playful looks Syakir gives me when I say Hi or not having Eijas to poke my shoulder and pretend it wasn't him
I'd hate to think Hilmi won't be able to amuse me with all his miang comments and Irfan won't be able to get in my way or to trip me on purpose
No more songs Deb would tell me to listen to and most of them turn out to be really jiwang,typical Deb.
Giving Acap a hard time when I'm PMSing
Like the sex report we did or the time we sang PATD songs and it literally rained as soon as we finished singing our encore
And all those stupid yet unbearbly funny jokes we come up with in class and the games we made up
Or sneaking food in class and eating like nobody's business and the time the whole class berpakat to skip Civic Studies,Chemistry,Biology or Physics together
You want to know what the worst part of leaving school behind would be?
Not having Waa help me go through a rough day in school
Not having Waa beside me everyday to skip classes with
Not having Waa to roam the school grounds with when we're bored
Not having Waa who tolerates with my lame ass comments and jokes since forever
Not having my best girlfriends with me everyday of the week worries me to the very core
Wa,Ilya,Ann,Raa,Raidah,Ana,Lana,Farisha,Afiqah,Jaa and Deb
I'm going to sound really,really gay here but four years in highschool would never have been the same without you to fight with,cry with,laugh with
Geez,just thinking about this makes me want to cry and we haven't even started form five yet
This is a very rare occasion y'see and its making me really fidgety
I can't believe 2008 will be closing its curtains in a few days time
I am not ready to leave behind my absent-minded year
I am definitely not ready to start studying like a mad man
I want time to pass by slowly yet fast at the same time
I want to get SPM over and done with
I want the license to drive
I just want the satisfaction of turning seventeen
But at the same time,I don't want school to end
How ironic is that?Pretty much,I say
Sure,I've days when I dread waking up and facing my teachers because I put off doing my homework
Sure,I rarely pay attention in my classes and yes,I'm guilty of skipping a few with my friends
But,these past four years in smkttdi have been great no matter what people say about the school
You know what the best thing is?I've watched friends from kindergarten and primary school grow up alongside myself
We've gone through the awkward teenage phase together,pretty embarrassing
But that's why we're all so comfortable with each other
And most of them are and always will be my good friends
We've hit some rough patches along the way but most of our time spent together have been nothing but the best
I look at a few of my older friends and as soon as college starts
They start to drift away from each other,as much as they hate to admit it
That's the thing I worry about the most after school ends
I don't want to stop seeing you guys everyday in school
I don't want to imagine going through the day in college all alone
I'd hate to think that I wont be able to walk out into the corridor with Wa and Deb and see Raidah,Ann,Ilya,Sarah,Ana,Farisha,Lana,Afiqah,Jaa outside their class like we always do when there aren't any teachers around
I'd hate to think that I wont be able to go down early for recess and mess around with the other prefects,see the awful canteen guy flirt with us
I'd hate to think that I won't be able to witness the things Amir,Acap,Man,Ruiz,Azzim and a few others come up with.
I'd hate to think that I wont able to get all those sarcastic playful looks Syakir gives me when I say Hi or not having Eijas to poke my shoulder and pretend it wasn't him
I'd hate to think Hilmi won't be able to amuse me with all his miang comments and Irfan won't be able to get in my way or to trip me on purpose
No more songs Deb would tell me to listen to and most of them turn out to be really jiwang,typical Deb.
Giving Acap a hard time when I'm PMSing
Like the sex report we did or the time we sang PATD songs and it literally rained as soon as we finished singing our encore
And all those stupid yet unbearbly funny jokes we come up with in class and the games we made up
Or sneaking food in class and eating like nobody's business and the time the whole class berpakat to skip Civic Studies,Chemistry,Biology or Physics together
You want to know what the worst part of leaving school behind would be?
Not having Waa help me go through a rough day in school
Not having Waa beside me everyday to skip classes with
Not having Waa to roam the school grounds with when we're bored
Not having Waa who tolerates with my lame ass comments and jokes since forever
Not having my best girlfriends with me everyday of the week worries me to the very core
Wa,Ilya,Ann,Raa,Raidah,Ana,Lana,Farisha,Afiqah,Jaa and Deb
I'm going to sound really,really gay here but four years in highschool would never have been the same without you to fight with,cry with,laugh with
Geez,just thinking about this makes me want to cry and we haven't even started form five yet
In other words,hati saya begitu berat untuk meninggalkan alam persekolahan and you people
Scratch what I said about being at a loss for words earlier on
Scratch what I said about being at a loss for words earlier on
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