Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool

Much to my dismay,I've been dubbed an April Fool yet again this year
Pulled a few pranks as well,never underestimate the short ones !
I somehow regret wishing time will pass me by at the speed of light
Three months down and not a single one was anywhere near productivity,academic-wise
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that April will surprise me and it wouldn't hurt to have a little pzzaz in life either
First day of Sukantara is over and Blue House had to do Sprint Run and Long Jumps
My spirit died down after finding out none of my friends from the Blues were present except for Haniesha (YEAH) and the boys
Shrugged it off and was asked to lead the warm-up for the girls HAHAHAHA
Surprisingly,I PASSED the Sprint Run (Okay,mmaybe I was a little bit too overjoyed by this fact but hey,I can have my moments right?)
Right after was Long Jump,I need not elaborate on that,let's just say the wind didn't help me today
Semua macam Takpe Takpe,Angin Tolak You Sha,Senang Je ! My ass !
Eijas was holding on to the Pass or Fail flag and Izzah wanted to hold it instead so when Eijas said No No,Let Me Hold It !
Izzah went semi-ballistic on him,kelakar gila sial hahahahaha
While waiting for the boys to finish,Haniesha and I chased this Form Two boy around,Faiz I think?
We asked him to take pictures of us in the middle of the field and we had him wrapped around our fingers,didn't we Shaa?Hahaha
Acap,Seng Fatt and I were talking about primary school and about how long we've known each other
Apparently,I may have forgotten the fact that Acap sat beside me and Seng Fatt sat behind me in the Second Grade,so that makes it,9 years eh?Lamanya!
Their first impression of me? Anak Manja ,quote Acap " Ye lah,everyday your Dad datang for recess Sha " HAHAHAHA
After recess,I was too lazy to attend classes so I skipped and made my way to the Futsal Court with Wa and messed around with Atiqah,Harreyka,Maria,Yusra and Asiyah
My God,serious lama tak gelak macam tadi !
By 12pm,the heat was unbearable so I walked around the school compound by myself until I met Acap,Mann,Flapp,Khidir and Farid near the stage *waves frantically*
I know you've been waiting for me to talk about what you guys did,but I woooon't
Did you really think I'd let you steal the spotlight today :p?
Besides,if I were to type out what you guys did today,maruah I campak masuk longkang terus wei hahahaha !
By the way,I'd take in consideration what you told me to do,Flapp,eventhough dah bertahun I cuba hahahaha
Same thing happened after school as well,siap serenade lagi but sorang pun takkan dapat vote kalau masuk One In A Million :D
Had lunch and slept until 830pm and I'm pretty pysched for tomorrow's event
AUDREY N. YOU BETTER COME TOMORROW ! *I'll ask some random guy to screw you like a Thanksgiving turkey if I don't see you ah !

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