Sunday, April 26, 2009

What A Load Of Bollocks

If there was a day when I seriously thought I could collapse on the floor below me from hopping to one shopping mall to the next,it would have to be last night
Dropped by school for a few hours and rushed home to get ready for Chemistry with Nathan and Biology with Ramesh
Never has there been a dull Chemistry tuition session because there's Waa,Ilya,Ann,Raa,Raidah,Afiqah,Ana and Jaa . Now,do you know why most of us can't really concentrate?
Nathan came thirty minutes late today and when he arrived,we were bombarding him with accusations and he simply said Sorry Sorry,I Duduk Dekat Jaipur Makan-Makan Kejap,Ingat Start Pukul 1pm and then he pulled out his trusty comb and combed his (barely visible) hair on his already balding head (rasanya,misai dia lagi tebal) hahahaha !
Ilya drove me over to Sya's place which is just a few houses away,mind you hahaha
Biology was okay as well,Raidah will always be on a roll when it we start talking about anything relating to the Reproductive System
Got on the LRT to KLCC an hour after that with Ilya and Lana. Ironically,everything was,well,just down-right ironic
Walked around and had lunch at Chilli's and the old waiter there had the hots for Lana,main-main tarik pinggan pulak,bak kata Ilya, Made for Hindi movie hahaha
Decided to go to Curve to watch a movie,so we left KLCC around 7pm and rushed down to the station
Note to self , Never Ride The LRT On A Saturday. Literally,like sardines in a can and Ilya and Lana were about a few steps in front of me so I was stuck between this guy and another guy.
Everytime the train jerked,I grabbed Ilya's hair and we just couldn't help ourselves,we were giggling like idiots for all thirteen stops. Cracked jokes the whole way as well and Lana molested a guy's ass.Semua macam annoyed gila tengok,hahahaha.
Arrived in Curve and booked tickets for Passengers which was effing stupid. Bodoh dia memang tak ingat dunia,I really felt like banging my head against the seat. Dah lah mengantuk,cerita ni nak suruh orang fikir pulak -_-'
Ilya on the other hand,really came off as someone high on crack. Walking around in small circles,winking at people and making weird sounds. Dah lah kena tolong pegang bag dia,dia takboleh stand on her own two feet,high sangat :( hahahaha
Tunggu Abang Lana bukan main lama lagi so we got back around 12am. And I was literally,beat.

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