Happy Eijas Appreciation Day ! My baby's all grown up :')
Sorry for constantly pissing you off because of those cancer sticks and please,stop falling down and stop scratching your scabs
You've always been a ladies man,you even got your own spread in a magazine! Remember The Toilet Paper in primary school?Hahaha
Let's rewind and pause for a moment. Technically,I only started talking to you when we were fourteen and mingling in the same crowd and you've made my life a whole lot worthwhile together with the others
I've mentioned this dozens of times but you're really intelligent,Jas and a real gentleman.
Sure,you say you're lazy and you always finish your homework a day before but you still manage to get good results.
Unlike other guys who ramble on about soccer and porn,I can actually have a decent conversation with you on most days eventhough it's always almost about random topics.
There are even times when you overwhelm me with how you speak,wise words coming from this guy who everybody can't help but to adore.
True to your personality,you're the kind of guy who randomly breaks out into a dance in the middle of the street and I'm pretty sure you'll have a bright future,just drop the random dancing acts once you turn 21 or so hahaha
There aren't many guys in the world right now who want to find a girlfriend without the help of Myspace and Facebook these days so whoever gets you would be an extremly lucky girl. By the way,your prom deadline will work out,I'm positive (Y)
A million,gazillion,kajillion thanks for being a great friend and putting up with my ranting.
Here's to you,many more birthdays and a longlasting friendship.
With love,Shaa
P/s Blogger ni sehari lambat. It's the First of June !
P/p/s Awww,Eijas terharu :')
P/p/s Awww,Eijas terharu :')
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