Had a quick lunch with Mum and went over to Waa's around 330pm . We were all really psyched because our plan to "getting healthy" was on but it rained . Qis picked the both of us up and Raa and we walked two rounds around Athinahapan. We left Waa and her mystery hottie because Raa insisted on driving Qis's car. Seriously,rasa macam kau takkan and taknak break hahaha. We got bored and passed every padang and settled on hanging out at Sulei.
Had a match to see who could swing the highest. I obviously lost because I had to tiptoe really high to get my momentum (HAHA) so they kicked me to other swing and it was so hilarious seeing how swings could thrill us like that hahaha. Baring-baring on that chain thingie and made a deal with Qis and Raa. Operation ______ ! Watch out,Waa . You know we'd do it . Waa finally came to Sulei and we talked some more and left around seven because Mum wanted my keys. That was basically how my day passed by. I love Fridays ! Next week kena ada Ann & Afiqah,we can run away from Kings of Leon *inside joke*
you've been tagged !
uuu mystery guest ;) HAHA
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