Myth Buster #1 : An Alpharian hardly ever stays true to their name. Semua sama gangsta je.
Surprisingly,my day was satisfying eventhough I did not skip school.
Whilst Ana and Afiqah were settling field trip matters,Ruiz took out his camcorder (which he got for free when he went to Russia,if it wasn't for the fact that you had to give back the iPhone,we'd be mortal enemies haha)
So,Alpharians took photos and moments were caught on tape. Such as Nurul interviewing Man as a manwhore,us playing the eraser race and when Danial hit my chest with his elbow,motherfckrrrr sakit gila sial -_-'. Kesian Acap jadi cameraman,nak jugak his fifteen seconds of fame hahaha.
I love field trips,especially ones where the whole gang tag along,orang asing tidak dibenarkan.
The main objective was pretty obvious,tengok muka muka kita ni yang pegi pun boleh tau kenapa HAHAHA
This time around,it was not so much as different,karangkraf's HQ is the shiznit (I love you too,Ana and Ayah Ding hahaha)
Hm,am thinking of investing in the program of magically disappearing pimples etc. Baik punya !
Ann and I walked home,came back just before it started to rain cats and dogs.
Went to Curve with Abe and Waa around five or so,teman Abe makan then we met Syakir in Sulei and then Eijas and Haziq at Chua. Lepak for a few minutes and I went home,where I'm now babysitting.
No way in hell am I gonna cook,nak rumah terbakar boleh lah. So I settled on Nando's Delivery.
Contemplating whether I should quarantine myself tomorrow onwards hehehehe
Eijas is probably on his way to the airport,damn youuuuu hamster ! Beli lah benda I suruh tu *wiggles eyebrow hahaha
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