Ilya : Dia cakap depan muka you ke?!
Me : Tak,kalau ye,I dah cium dia dah HAHAHA
Waa: Elelele,Sha nak tu
Me : Nooo,taknak pun
Ilya : Cmon! Taknak langsung?!
Ann : Merepek ah kalau taknak
Me : Fine,sikit je
Ilya : Sikit je!?
Me : Okay fine,everytime I see him,I want to grab him and smother him with kisses. Is that what you wanted me to say ? -_-'
Ann : You didn't have to answer pun :D
DIY mood lately,bought some knick-knacks and Imma try to make statement necklaces
Just in case the academic thing doesn't work out hahaha which reminds me,the Matematics Competition is creeping up on us
Same goes to SPM Trials,holy motherfkcrrrr. If I don't push myself now,I'll be screwed like a Thanksgiving turkey.
I had this sudden craving for Kentucky Fried Chicken so every few minutes I'd be whining and complaining because I only had two bucks left with me
When I cleaned out my purse,I found fifty bucks in one of the pockets and I literally jumped around in Mobil,boleh makan KFC for dinner so I paid for dinner with the grrrls today
Lesson # 2 : Never ask a hungry girl to buy food,ever.
During tuition,I had three pieces of chicken and finished Ilya's leftover sikit. Banyak gila babi.
But this is pretty normal for me,that's why I get so frustrated when I don't pack on the pounds
Nana's going to Cali next week and Mum's given the greenlight for me to order things
New wardrobe baybay (A)
Have to call it a raincheck with my Chemistry book as I've got a date with Harry Potter and the grrrrrls tomorrow evening.
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