Ilya and I rode the KTM today,babi slow sial. Like a turtle on a rampage.
We saw Andy and a few friends at KL Central and decided to follow them HAHA but then we lost them,so terpaksa lah make our own effort
Left Cheer 09 early because we were bored out of our minds so we stopped at Masjid Jamek
Don't get me wrong,it would have been way better if you actually have a valid reason to be there
Like say,rooting for a certain team or actually being in a team,ya dig?
Aaaaand we ate right smack in the middle of Kuala Lumpur,like,the real side of Kuala Lumpur
We were sorta scared shitless tapi makan jugak dekat BK,lapar gila hahaha
Mind you,I only do all these adventures shit with Ilya
But I swear I'm dragging the other grrrrrrls along after this
And now,since she officially has her license... (SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHOTGUN)
Biology tuition today was okaaaaay,katai Nurul gila babi and we semi-finished Chapter 5,gila confusing sial tapi senang (Y)
I've got this growth inside my eyes and it stings like a bee,the pain is even more unbearable when I blink
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