Wednesday, July 8, 2009


What starts off as the soft pitter-pattering of raindrops against the window,eventually morphs into fits of rage as lighting strikes
Funny how a downpour can be so easily associated with a human being
I laid in bed,switched off my iPod,wrapped the duvet tightly around me and listened to the rain last night for the very first time
Wonder of wonders,it literally seemed to throw my cares away and calmed me
For a moment,I kept thinking and contemplating,my mind occupied with life's fair share of what ifs and whys
And somehow,it's the simple chores I carried out or the pieces of paper I kept or the clothes I wore or the scent of the perfume on my wrist or the conversations I had or the alley I passed by in the evenings that remind me of you the most
Trust me,I'm far beyond fine these days and I have no pent up feelings whatsoever,I swear
It may seem hard for some people to face that fact haha and I may seem to come off as a bit,well,reminiscent,but as time whizzed by,so did my feelings
Well,enough to make me feel rejuvenated in some ways haha
Truth is,you're the most difficult thought I have ever had to put at the back of my mind,God knows why

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