The only thing keeping me sane from the exam bug is the trip to Europe after my papers
The last time I was in London/Paris,I couldn't fully appreciate the things around me as I was too preoccupied with the weather and neither was I a fashionista three years ago. And before that,I was eight,memang tak ah. The only thing I remember was the trip to Disneyland.
I can hardly contain my excitement these past few days,keeping my fingers crossed that the apartment next to Baglioni's is vacant. Freakin' awesome view of Hyde Park !
Unfortunately,it'll be freezing cold so I doubt there'll be men frolicking on the grass half-naked like the last time :'(
This may sound ludicrous but I can still remember how it smelt like when I got off the subway on odd days
And how we insisted on getting ice-creams near the Tower of London eventhough our teeth were chattering in the middle of summer
And when Dad refused to climb the Eiffle Tower because he was scared of heights,2 tahun pegi,2 tahun tu lah tak naik naik -_-'
Swear on my life,I've never been this excited to go overseas,ever.
Mum says I'll probably be missing prom night if I'm not willing to get on an early flight. So now,the decision is unbearable.
Prom or three weeks in Europe? Not exactly an easy decision yo.
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