Thanks for the reminder,I now know why I despise school. No,not because of the teachers or the rules or the repulsive toilets.
Pergi sekolah kan,mesti ada drama. Lepas keluar ke,mesti ada drama. Cakap sikit je,mesti ada drama. Tegur sikit je,mesti ada drama.Tak tau ah,budak ttdi memang gila drama ah kot.
Seriously,life imitating art ke apa ni? Macam soap opera je,macam kisah benar melayu/indon yang terlebih drama,sound effect pun nak kena dramatic,nak jerit jerit lah,nangis terlebih macam kena rogol lah tu lah ni lah. Dah ah selalunya,ada tv shows yang mcm gila fake and the actors can't act to save their own lives.
No offense though. I mean,it's not as if I'm against our local entertainment industry. Ada banyak gila movie Melayu yang best gila babi and the only thing that sets them apart is the fact that they have dignity,direct with taste and TAK TIRU MOVIE BARAT.
I mean,cm tah. Dulu banyak jugak ah,ikut plot movie orang barat. Nama pun nak dekat sama.
Ever heard of originality people?! K,back to my point.
And before you say anything,I'm guilty of getting involed in a pathetic drama or two. Afterwards,I'll feel freakin' daft. But it's a cheap thrill for everyone. There is absolutely no human being who can resist drama. Cmon,we lead mundane lives. It's not like we'll win the lottery or whatever,but you get my point.
Tapi sometimes,it can get so freakin' tiresome okay? Bahh,tak suka. Menyampah ada,fed-up ada.
Oh,weeeeeeeell. Life is miles away from ever being fair.
Hung out with muh three amigos after what?! Ten thousand gazillion years?!
Psychotic gila sial. Syakir suprisingly asked when we were sending him home,Korang Ni Memang Gila Macam Ni Ke? Hahaha
1 comment:
Seriously,life imitating art ke apa ni? Macam soap opera je,macam kisah benar melayu/indon yang terlebih drama,sound effect pun nak kena dramatic,nak jerit jerit lah,nangis terlebih macam kena rogol lah tu lah ni lah. Dah ah selalunya,ada tv shows yang mcm gila fake and the actors can't act to save their own lives.
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