I can cross out HELP's National Math Marathon 2009 off my to-do list now *does a victory dance*
Ruiz,Amir and Acap were waiting for us at HELP whereas Nad,Nurul and I were still waiting for Pn. Ooi to pick us up from school. She was decked out in neon head to toe,TMTH at nine in the morning hahaha. Fought over who gets shotgun,Nad won since we were positive Pn. Ooi only knew Nad (padahal dua ekor yang lain ni class dia juga hehe). One thing was for sure,I had butterflies in the pit of my stomach when we got off the car,went in to the waiting/examination room and waiting for the results. Semi-intimidated by the crowd at first glance,but I soon found out that most of us were here just for the heck of it. Don't get me wrong,there were many Einsteins roaming among us this morning/afternoon. Scared the shit outta me. Hung out with the boys while we each waited for our turn to be called to the examination room. There were three students per group and each of us had different tasks. I was paired up with Amir since we had to do the same set of questions. Nurul/Acap were part of the first group to go so the rest of us waited in another room and just wasted time. Honestly,I was probably the only person in the room who was sarcastically hyperventilating and dramatically sighing and groaning (sounds so wrong once I read it again,nvm). Megat texted me to tell me that he realy loathes _____ and that he was giving her the stare and being politely arrogant throughout the whole meeting hahaha I likeee ! Bagus pun,finally someone other than _____ who knows how to diss with class hahaha! Then Nurul came in and it was my turn.HARD was way easier than MEDIUM okay? I can't believe I wasted my time cracking my head for any smidgen of information on the medium level. The first thing that came to mind when I sat on the chair was WHAT THE HELL DID I THINK WHEN I SIGNED UP FOR THIS?! Anyways,I shook off my anxiousness and tried to finish as many as I could. After Ruiz/Nad and the other Player 3s were done,they gave out food and I'm sure it was nasi lemak because I could smell the ikan bilis. Dugaan,dugaan *geleng kepala. The six of us left the waiting room and went into another room where coincidentally,an acting workshop was being carried out by these Literature students. We had to introduce ourselves using silly names/objects/places etc. The point was to easily remember each other. And he made us introduce ourselves to the other students using our body hahaha sumpah best,hipslammed Amir,rasa macam nak terpelanting ke kiri -_-' I'm not so good with names and faces. ZOMG,then we did all these role-playing and everyone's imagination ran really wild. There was one exercise where we had to truly imagine we were holding a gooey,stick ball in the palm of our hand. And that Git guy made us do all these role playing. Ruiz and I role played kindergartners during this one phase,lawak gila -_-' hahaha best gila ! I'm so taking Literature when I go off to college (y) Eventhough it wasn't such a best idea to get all energetic during fasting month,it took everyone's mind off a lot of things. After that,we just mingled around until we were called to the conference rooms. I like the Ipoh team (y) HAHA Both our teams from TTDI didn't pull through the final round but we weren't so dissapointed. Yes,we didn't get the scholarship and the moughlah but hey,it was well worth it plus I've got my certificate,which counts the most.Honestly,I wasn't planning on going to HELP anyhoo. My brain cells died after I read the first question for the final round anyways. Sat quietly in my chair and silently thanked God I didn't win hahahaha. Everybody left me alone in the conference hall to roam around/pray so I sat there all by myself for awhile *sobs silently * Annoying gila orang tepi,sneezing sini sana. I told him to put on his mask and offered him my Protex hand sanitzer but he just stared at me,probably offended but dude ! You wont be laughing when you're on your deathbed,now would you?! Soon after everything was done,we took some photos and waited in front of McDonalds for our rides. The french fries really got to me hahahaha lapar. Toodles.
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