Satisfying my material needs by browsing longingly through fashion blogs.
I'll be temporarily staying at the other house while the current house is being renovated (y)
Gawd,I've missed plonking down on my bed when I get back from school.
Well,not that school is a daily activity of mine anymore HAHAHAHA meja mesti dah berhabuk *coughcough*
Thus,I'll be on an on-off hiatus. Which is probably a good thing,Twitter and Facebook distracts me bigtime !
Considering the fact that trials are less than two weeks away and I still haven't finished studying.Ginormous trouble if I wont be able to digest enough information.Forget cellphones,my brain needs a memory card.
Looking forward to Ramadhan,InsyaAllah,more good deeds will/can be done. Amin.
Can't wait for buka puasa nights out with the gang and terawikh. Keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to go every night,unless my cycle gets in the way.Toodlessss !
1 comment:
She is looking gorgeous with the awesome outfit, I want to something about this kind of outfit.......
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