"Isteri itu dianggap sebagai first-class pelacur", Ustazah S. Roha
Now,you see,Ustazah S. Roha has got to be the best Ustazah I've ever had. Other than the fact that she gets along with all of us,she's extremely open-minded. She'll usually laugh at what the boys have to say,which are v. vulgar at times. Hahaha comel :-)
School today was good,felt under the weather because of the terrible haze this morning. The over-powering scent of the smoke made me want to gag.Multitasked during BM,pasrah betul tak dapat duduk sebelah Hazim tapi harini dia macam tak buat lawak so takpe. Lately,I've noticed how he talks and laughs to himself in class,like yesterday ! Some people couldn't get over the fact that my hair was so thick,and got annoyed with how I shook my head so my hair would swing around hahaha sorry Amir ;p Amy tadi tersasul cakap pasal orang Cina hahahaha but Bryan's cool like that .Raihan and I were two of the last people to leave the Chemistry lab so we basically stood around the hallways to pass time. When we went up,Mahirah told us that ______ was in class. So,Raihan and I turned on our heels and made our way towards,well,anywhere but the class. We bumped into Man,and told him the same thing. So the three of us ran down the stairs. Saw Man motioning towards Fariz and Hazim to come down but then we saw ______ outside the class,looking over Man and the two guys. Hahahahahaha kelakar gila.
Walked towards Mobil to meet up with Ann around 4 just now but she didn't show up so I was hanging around by myself. Ilya picked me up at Haizal's place and we stopped at Mosin for drinks.Roamed around Taman Tun after that and we had a rendezvous in the library car park HAHAHAHA. Ann came with Naim and Afiqah after that. Ada orang tu tak puas hati sebab I got shotgun ): Ilya and Afiqah dropped me off and now I'm here. Gonna have a quick dinner then bury myself six feet under depression i.e books. I'm actually pretty proud of myself,I woke up and smelt the coffee :') 100 days till SPM,and tomorrow,it'll be down to two digits.
On a plus side,I've discovered the pros of literally cleaning out my closet. I found my black,embellished military jacket (And no,it's not the camouflage pattern,ew),two of my faded denim shirts and a ton of other things that I'm thinking of selling away. In dire need of the big bucks.Oh and if life can't get any more amusing,I entered a contest to win passes for MTV World Stage Live In Asia hahahaha,kalau menang nak ajak Odeng hahaha (Y) On the other hand,if that doesn't work,I sure hope Ilya's mum would be able to pull some strings AMIN 0:)
School today was good,felt under the weather because of the terrible haze this morning. The over-powering scent of the smoke made me want to gag.Multitasked during BM,pasrah betul tak dapat duduk sebelah Hazim tapi harini dia macam tak buat lawak so takpe. Lately,I've noticed how he talks and laughs to himself in class,like yesterday ! Some people couldn't get over the fact that my hair was so thick,and got annoyed with how I shook my head so my hair would swing around hahaha sorry Amir ;p Amy tadi tersasul cakap pasal orang Cina hahahaha but Bryan's cool like that .Raihan and I were two of the last people to leave the Chemistry lab so we basically stood around the hallways to pass time. When we went up,Mahirah told us that ______ was in class. So,Raihan and I turned on our heels and made our way towards,well,anywhere but the class. We bumped into Man,and told him the same thing. So the three of us ran down the stairs. Saw Man motioning towards Fariz and Hazim to come down but then we saw ______ outside the class,looking over Man and the two guys. Hahahahahaha kelakar gila.
Walked towards Mobil to meet up with Ann around 4 just now but she didn't show up so I was hanging around by myself. Ilya picked me up at Haizal's place and we stopped at Mosin for drinks.Roamed around Taman Tun after that and we had a rendezvous in the library car park HAHAHAHA. Ann came with Naim and Afiqah after that. Ada orang tu tak puas hati sebab I got shotgun ): Ilya and Afiqah dropped me off and now I'm here. Gonna have a quick dinner then bury myself six feet under depression i.e books. I'm actually pretty proud of myself,I woke up and smelt the coffee :') 100 days till SPM,and tomorrow,it'll be down to two digits.
On a plus side,I've discovered the pros of literally cleaning out my closet. I found my black,embellished military jacket (And no,it's not the camouflage pattern,ew),two of my faded denim shirts and a ton of other things that I'm thinking of selling away. In dire need of the big bucks.Oh and if life can't get any more amusing,I entered a contest to win passes for MTV World Stage Live In Asia hahahaha,kalau menang nak ajak Odeng hahaha (Y) On the other hand,if that doesn't work,I sure hope Ilya's mum would be able to pull some strings AMIN 0:)
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