You know what sucks? When this fifteen year-old girl adds you,barely even knows you,and wants to go to your school's prom when she herself is from a diff school. And she's fifteen!
And no,I am most certainly not blaming her. I would run up to her and hug her for God's sake!
If you're reading this,Q,please do come to prom,it'll be a blast :-) Drag your other friends as well yo !
ON THE OTHER HAND,for all of you people out there yang tak beli lagi ticket prom yang RM110 tu,well then,nasib ah. Kena bayar RM140 lepas esok i.e 20th August.NO EXCEPTIONS. Tak kisah lah kau adik aku,ke kakak aku ke,kawan aku ke. Not a joke anymore k?
I'll rip your head off if you come up to me and complain, Kenapa Mahal Sangat blablabla.
Mahal sebab kalau tak cukup orang datang,the amount of RM140 tickets we sell will cover the freakin payment. InsyaAllah,tu pun kalau cukup.
Haih,stress tau tak fikir pasal benda ni?I can't not think about prom as well because it's huge,it's something we've been looking forward to. Dengan trials lagi seminggu. Dengan orang yang buat rumour yang prom kitaorg cancel.Dengan orang yang cakap taknak pegi sebab prom committee macam cibai ah,sebab takut ada alcohol ah. Stop feeding people bullshit.
I can't ignore this frustration anymore. Told you all hell would break loose.
And,I paling pantang bila orang datang kat ANY of the prom comm,and say "Oh hm,takpe ah,taknak g prom kita ah,mesti suck doh. Nak pegi prom ______ tu ah. "
Pegi ah pegi,pastu jangan nak mengada-ngada,terhegeh-hegeh cakap KTORG TAK BUAT PAPE KERJA. Woah,panas sial,seriously.
And no,I am most certainly not blaming her. I would run up to her and hug her for God's sake!
If you're reading this,Q,please do come to prom,it'll be a blast :-) Drag your other friends as well yo !
ON THE OTHER HAND,for all of you people out there yang tak beli lagi ticket prom yang RM110 tu,well then,nasib ah. Kena bayar RM140 lepas esok i.e 20th August.NO EXCEPTIONS. Tak kisah lah kau adik aku,ke kakak aku ke,kawan aku ke. Not a joke anymore k?
I'll rip your head off if you come up to me and complain, Kenapa Mahal Sangat blablabla.
Mahal sebab kalau tak cukup orang datang,the amount of RM140 tickets we sell will cover the freakin payment. InsyaAllah,tu pun kalau cukup.
Haih,stress tau tak fikir pasal benda ni?I can't not think about prom as well because it's huge,it's something we've been looking forward to. Dengan trials lagi seminggu. Dengan orang yang buat rumour yang prom kitaorg cancel.Dengan orang yang cakap taknak pegi sebab prom committee macam cibai ah,sebab takut ada alcohol ah. Stop feeding people bullshit.
I can't ignore this frustration anymore. Told you all hell would break loose.
And,I paling pantang bila orang datang kat ANY of the prom comm,and say "Oh hm,takpe ah,taknak g prom kita ah,mesti suck doh. Nak pegi prom ______ tu ah. "
Pegi ah pegi,pastu jangan nak mengada-ngada,terhegeh-hegeh cakap KTORG TAK BUAT PAPE KERJA. Woah,panas sial,seriously.
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