Adapting an I-Don't-Give-A-Flying-Tuck attitude has its fair share of pros and cons. Eventhough I still have to sit for the Biology papers tomorrow,I can't help but to share the relief and joy of Trials ending. Yeah,it's a pretty bittersweet affair,considering the fact that we still have SPM to go through in a matter of 8 weeks but well,Raya is on it's way ! See? Life is fair in some ways. Haven't seen my tailored kebayas and kurungs yet but I'm doing pastels this year which in a way,is dangerous. Wearing white on the first day means being extra careful when I devour Mum's rendang and lemang and assam laksa and teh tarik. Ramadhan this year has been somewhat effortless,time flies extremely fast when you're preoccupied with your own thoughts and dronwing six feet deep in books. Kind of depressing to think that this'll be over in a matter of three days,not being able to faithfully and succesfully fulfill the compulsory Islamic duties. Will I still be on Earth when the next Ramadhan rolls around? InsyaAllah.
On a lighter note,today was hectic,most definitely. Fifth formers were scattered around the school compound,getting signatures for our testimonial certificates. Felt so sentimental and depressed,high school is almost over for us in a matter of weeks :'( Graduation Night is being held on the 2nd of October and the anticipation is already making me feel giddy.Shall need to stock up on boxes of tissue,fo shiznit ! Our stepping stones are beginning to feel like climbing rocks. After the Additional Math paper (if you keep up with my updates on Facebook,I did daydream for over an hour or so,scribbled nonsense on a paper so I appear to look engrossed in variance,functions,p.distributions,vectors and permutations HAHA),most of my classmates grabbed their bags and literally,zoomed out of class to go home. You know in cartoon where when the bill comes,semua blaa and the glasses will be spinning semua? Ala,takkan tau punya hahaha. Waa and I went up to 5 Gama and hung out for awhile and walked around school until it was time to go home. Buj was waving his testimonial in my face and kept on asking " Do You See It ?" I honestly didn't get the point until he did it for the fifth time when he said DOB,masa tu pun blur lagi. 16 September 2009. My reaction was amusing,said Oh Oh Ohhhh a couple of times and wished him. Happy Birthday,Buuuuuuj ! Eventhough I selalu suruh you shut up when you're singing and screaming on Skype,keep on doing it okay? So you can annoy the guys as well (Y).Reached home and immediately flopped down on the bed and slept until 630 with only my undies HAHA. Caught up on my much-awaited slumber after three weeks of sleeping for only two hours. Caffeine has been a good friend to me during Trials.
Will elaborate on Dayana's seventeenth soon,too much to absorb at once but it was the shiznit. Leaving school early tomorrow before heading of to KL with the girls. Mum bought an iPod touch *does the victory jig*. And now,I shall persuade her to purchase a new laptop. Raya's all about the moughlah among other obvious reasons. TTYL !
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