I shouldn't be complaining,I should be semi thankful SPM is in a month's time.
There's still time to cover whatever information I can digest. True,I'm definitely dissapointed in myself over the fact that I didn't start earlier but that's not important now.
But as the big day approaches (ceh,macam nak kahwin je), I find myself yearning for the time after those four nerve racking weeks. When I flipped through the timetable,it actually made me want to study even harder. And after the car ride with Ilya,I'm even more determined to get good results to take up law next year. No more second thoughts and I'm ignoring the voices in my head who tell me I should be studying Biomedical Science or whatever.
I'm not going to take something just because it makes me sound professional or that it rakes in more income. I'm not saying law isn't,trust me. My parents are both lawyers and hell,I've heard enough from them to fully secure my decision. Now all I need is these last 31 days.
Thinking of the aftermath of SPM really helps,seriously. You just want to study and get it over with.
Roadtrip exactly a day after the exam,Prom (it's still on by the way,no cancellations whatsoever so stop trying to bring us down),carefree days,driving licenses,Europe,dust off my guitar and start playing again,taking up a new language,rock climbing,amateur futsal with the clan.
The list really does go on and on,I'd carry on for hours but I'll be leaving in a few. I LOVE SATURDAYS !
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