Sunday, April 4, 2010

Outburst of Thoughts

Sometimes,I am torn. Should I speak my mind or keep it to myself ? See,being outwardly euphoric and depressed at intervals can drive a person up the wall and have question marks floating aimlessly in their thoughts,Is She? Is She Not? I would be shamelessly lying to myself if I said I'm content with the silence. Silence can shake one's consciousness right down to their very core. That leads to my shaky decision to say whats on my mind. I'm just this walking jug of random thoughts that you can pick out. Would I ever let myself drown in my own thoughts? Rather be dubbed melodramatic than a mute.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are different kinds of humor, some is sarcastic, some introspective. Introspective fit my personality better. See the link below for more info.
