Tehehe. The apparent "long time" in my previous post stops here. I mean,I just said that to seem all sentimental-i'm-leaving-this-era kind of way. Besides,I'm hoping this would eventually succeed in making me slightly drowsy and sleep because tomorrow is going to be the first rough Monday in the history of rough Mondays sans school. Will be as quick as an orgasm,I swear ! My mija braided my hair for World Stage like the blonde's up there. I miss her but I shall survive. On a lighter note,I wish she was here so I could tell her that I'm smitten. Smitten as a Persian kitten. My John Doe's quirky and kooky and undeniably the source of most of my smothered laughter. Literally lingering around for a couple of years,gone unnoticed and now,his presence is exceptionally tough to ignore. Subtly earning a coveted post with me.You see,I've kept my John Doe infatuation down low. That's saying alot,if you ask me. The population of this little fact+his identity can barely fill a toilet stall in a mall. I'm not in the least bit sure when to drop the nuclear bomb and disrupt the wavelengths of his chaotic,if not rarely sane,mind. It's agonizing,this uncertainty. John Doe's verdict is probably just as uncertain as the rise of the Antichrist. I'm afraid to pry into that Pandora's box of his in case it'll ensue dismay and a bunch of other nasty thoughts to get by with. Then again,Pandora's big on hope too. Ho hum deedly dum.