Hibernating atm or when I'm feeling a teensy bit poetic,I happen to find myself standing and thinking on the beach with the vast sea of my future laid before me. Today marks two years of my Bloggership. Cringe inducing thoughts of the unmentionable path I'd have to jolly well trod on is not healthy for my soul...that and my sloth-esque sleeping pattern. Don't get me wrong though,I'm so stoked for university,I could be shittin' ray of sunshines and sprout sparkly wings and start to dazzle. A different group of hombres,an array of (hopefully) steaming+intellectual guys,the feel of a new pen against my fingers, straightening out the scrunched up edges of a testpad and the beginning of my life as a law student. In the meantime,I'm living life at an ungodly slow pace and depicting every minute (literally) through my Twitter. That app. is my life. If I was brutally murdered,I'm giving Horatio permission to check my Twitter out. I'm retaining my authenticity by not having a Tumblr account. Apparently,most people don't rant on Tumblr. I am a person who rants in girly hues after watching a masochistic movie. I am cool like that. Before I leave this space for possibly a very long time,lemme just say that in this solitary confinement silence I've been in since my friends lead lives of their own,I've learnt that I find absolute peace in being alone. Semi-independent in my own pretty odd way. Have a good year,thou stranger who reads this. (After reading my old posts,I've had a blessed two years and fingers crossed,more to come.) xx.
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