Friday, June 13, 2008

Screw History

Screw history.Screw the bloody teacher as well.
I never liked the bloody subject,but at least the teacher who taught me a year ago was okay.
But this year,oooohhh,this year's teacher SUCKS EGGS.
I dont effing care if she stumbles upon my blog.
I actually want her to see what I have to say.
Come on,get a grip boleh tak?
You don't talk crap about your students on their exam papers.
Even if we did badly,there's no bloody reason.
Yeah,we get it,you're not really fond of us,neither are we of you.
But we don't kutuk you in your face right?
Would you like us to?Because I wouldn't mind.
You bitch.
I swear to God,little things like using another piece of paper bcs there's hardly any space left pisses you off?It's "menyusahkan" huh?
What do you expect me to do?Squeeze in every word in one paper?
Isn't that harder for you to mark?
GODDAMIT,and you told my friend to "fikir2 lah sikit,its an exam"
Yeah,its an exam,Yeah,she got the answer wrong but its BLOODY NORMAL you screwed up lady.
You spoiled my day,yknow that?
You probably spoiled somebody else's too.
I don't give a flying tuck anymore
Hating History was bad enough,but how am I going to study if the teacher's just as screwed up?
Oh,btw,I should get you a trophy
For being the teacher I hate the most in bloody history.

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