Friday, August 8, 2008

Here I Go,Scream My Lungs Out

I like essays,as lame and geeky as it sounds.
Seriously.My imagination starts running wild and stuff.
But I don't like writing essays about facts,like for EST.How the hell should I knw what nuclear whatnots are and stuff.And to write 200 words on it?Aha,awesome.
Anyways,we had English first period and we were supposed to the an essay starting with
"I could tell by the look on her face that she was distressed..."
The creative juices came flowing out of my mind,the next thing I knew,I had 7 paragraphs on how this girl had a mother suffering from cancer and bladiblablaa.
Heart-wrenching,really.I almost cried,no joke.
Azzim and I like to pretend that we always compete on who's essay is the best,its fun actually.
And then,he passed me his paper,to read what MrKnowItAll wrote.
It was about me,had my name right there,the first sentence.
He said I was a status conscious and egotistical girl and that I was worried I had put on weight blabla-.-
Wait till I get you Azzim,tunggu tunguuu haha.

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