Monday, September 22, 2008


History wasn't as bad as I thought it would've been
That's mainly because I slept at 3am in the morning and then panicked so bad in school,i felt like jumping on the chair several times.
5 minutes before the paper started,Ruiz turned around and asked me
"Who's Abdul Rahman bin Auf?"
"Abdul Rahman bin Aaaaaaaaauf?Oh geez,siapa tu,siapa tu"
"Hahahaha ,i just wanted to scare you"
"-.-' But who's that?"
Tunggu Ruiz,I'll get you for that.God knows how but I will mahaha
Amir spent the hour before History barking mad.He wrote answers on his shoe,on his table,near the window and he gave Byron my nail file so "that he'll be too busy filing his nails than answering the paper,pastu dapat F" I told Byron though haha<3
Before Maths started,Man made this sound,more like a dog whimpering hahaha
I'm not going to think about Maths,no no no.
Most of the non-Muslim students kept on saying Nabi Muhammad SAW as in gergaji
Not sallahualaiwasalam (correct me on this one)
Tomorrow's Chemistry and Islamic Studies,wish me luck
No,on second thought,pray me a miracle.
And I couldn't help but think when Heng said
No Wonder Form 4 Is Tough,4 Means Death According To Chinese Beliefs
So that is why, form 4 susah gila babi nak mati

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