Monday, November 3, 2008

A Little Less Sixteen Candles

Turning 16 isn't such a big deal
Nothing worth waiting your whole life for
Not worth dividing your time planning a big party
Only to find out,that its being canceled by dearest parents
Turning 16 isn't such a big deal
Don't put your hopes up too high
Stop expecting something grand and over the top
Which only results in being crushed and disappointed
So what if your finals finish 5 days before your birthday?
It doesn't matter when half the world is against you
Golly Gee
Trust me,I should know
It doesn't matter because MY birthday will prolly be the worst by far
On Wednesday,the 12th of November,I think I'll be spending time cooped up in my room
Don't wanna celebrate anything,Dont wanna go out for dinner
Especially with the family.
Happy Effing 16th Birthday to me.

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