Saturday, July 4, 2009


I don't want to fall madly in love with someone by stalking their Myspace profile
I don't want to fall madly in love with someone over a few comments
I don't want to fall madly in love with someone who meets me for the first time behind the computer screen and is at a loss for words because he didn't have the normal privilege of being given ten minutes to think of a reply
I don't want to fall in love with they way a guy looks,I don't want to fall in love with the amount of moughlah a guy has,I don't want to fall in love with the way a guy drowns a girl with his measly pick up lines
I mean,really! If somebody asks you how you and your boyfriend/girlfriend met right,takkan nak cakap "Oh He Had Me At "Hey,Thanks For The Add" kan? hahaha

I want to bump into a complete ( and adorable ) stranger on the street
I want an innocent crush that is triggered by a few hellos and an exchanging of digits
I want a love that's genuine and unconventional at the same time
I want a love that erupts like an earthquake and subsides,a love that's a temporary madness
I want a love that sends chills up and down my spine even when you look like an awful mess
I want a love that has nothing to do with this form of communication
I could go on and on and on,and on but the yawning is overpowering
Will continue next week
Just to make everyone sure,I wasn't emoshit and bawling my eyes out while typing this post *coughwaacough*


Waa Rossly said...

why laa your new post sgt emo :( dnt worry la babe. sooner or later your dream guy dtg punya :) kene sabar je la tunggu

SHA said...

HAHAHA tak emo pun wa
i dont even care when tht guy comes